How to Fine-tune Search Engine Relevancy



This functionality provides the ability to dynamically select which search engines are targeted by the current query.

  • This is useful if you need to target different search engines based on a set of criteria.

  • For example, if a query targets a set of search engines, but you need to change this set because the current user does not have access to the set targeted by the query.

  • The identity of the current user is just one possible criteria that can be used to decide which search engines to query.


  • Some SmartHub Features are unsupported by some search engines.

  • For information about limitations to your search engine, see the "Limitations" topic for your search engine

Select the Search Engines to Query (via Scripting Stage)

You achieve this by using a Query Scripting Tuning stage added at the General level (not on each search engine). 

  • Query.SelectedBackends is a List<string> property which you can modify based on your own criteria.

It contains the search engine names that the current query targets.

Steps to configure:

  1. Open the SmartHub Administration page at http(s)://<web-app-url>/_admin.
  2. Click the General Settings link on the left side navigation.
  4. Select Query Scripting Processor and give it a name (ex: "search engine Selector")
  5. Inside the Code Editor modify the Query.SelectedBackends property using any List<string> operations.
    Initially, this list contains all the search engine names targeted by the page where the query was triggered. 


  • Assume 3 search engines are configured in SmartHub:
    • SharePoint Online
    • NetDocuments
    • RightFind
  • The page query targets all search engines using the FederatorBackends:"*" syntax in the query template.
  • You want to remove RightFind search engine if the current user is from "Department=X."
    You would achieve this by:

    //code to detect if the user is from Department X goes here and initializes bool userIsFromDepartmentX

    if (userIsFromDepartmentX) {
        Query.SelectedBackends.Remove("RightFind"); // the initial SelectedBackends list contains the items SPO, NetDocs, RightFind

Boost the Document Score Dynamically Based on the Search Engine Name

This functionality gives you the ability to increase (or decrease) the document score (Rank) if the document comes from a specific search engine.

  • This enables you to change the position of the document in the final result set.

You achieve this by using a Query Scripting Stage added at the General level (not on each search engine).

Query Rank Boosting Property

  • Query.RankBoostingSpecification is a property that enables you to specify the boost based on the search engine name.

  • It accepts a set of rules called "specifications" which define what search engine needs boosting and the boost amounts. 

Syntax and Parameters

A boost specification has the following format: PropertyName,PropertyValue,Multiplier,Addition

  • PropertyName: This is the property name which defines the search engine name. Set this value as <Search Engine Name>
  • PropertyValue: This is the search engine name. For example: "SPO".
  • Multiplier; This is a float number which shows the value that is multiplied with the original score. If the multiplier=1 the score is not changed.
    • A value greater than 1 increases the score.
    • A value lower than 1 decreases the score.
  • Addition: This is a float number which shows the value that is added to the original score.
  •  If addition=0 the score will not be changed.
    • A value greater than 0 increases the score.
    • A value lower than 0 decreases the score.

Basic Operations

Query.RankBoostingSpecification supports the following basic operations:

  • Initialization
    • Initializes the property by using an object constructor.
    • Notice that multiple specs are separated by the ";" character.
      Query.RankBoostingSpecification = new RankBoostingSpecification("BackendName,SPO,2,10;BackendName,RightFind,0.1,0");
  • Add a new boost specification
    • Add a new condition for boosting based on backend name.
    • You don't need to call the constructor first.
      • Query.RankBoostingSpecification.Add("BackendName,NetDocs,2,-10");
  • Remove a boost specification
    • Remove a previously added boost specification.
      • Query.RankBoostingSpecification.Remove("BackendName,NetDocs,2,-10");

Example for Basic Usage

  • Assume you are increasing the SharePoint Online backend scores by doubling them and subtracting 10.
  • A document with an initial score of 50 would end up with a score of 90.

For more advanced usage scenarios you can use the underlying strongly typed object model.

RankBoostingSpecification.BoostSpecs property is a List<FieldBoostSpecification> which holds an item for each boost specification.

FieldBoostSpecification class has the following properties:

  • public string Field;
  • public string Value;
  • public double BoostMultiplier;
  • public double BoostAddition;

FieldBoostSpecification has a constructor which accepts a boost specification in a string format and deserializes it for you.


new FieldBoostSpecification("BackendName,SPO,2,10");

Example for Advanced Usage

  • Assume you have a previous stage which affects the score for the SPO backend but you don't know the exact multiplier or addition which were used.
  • You want to remove only those specific boost specifications
Query.RankBoostingSpecification.BoostSpecs.RemoveAll(x => x.Field == "BackendName" && x.Value == "SPO");